Back Orders

Back Orders

Why do i see so many products on back-order?
Due to the large variety in products with all differed sizes and colours, it is difficult to have everything in stock. As time passes and orders come in, the stock availably of the webshop will increase as wel. I hope you will understand, and thank you for your trust.

What can i expect when placing a back-order?
When you place a back-order, we will contact you as soon as possible to handle the order. This will be within the same or next day depending on how easy it is to check stock availably by the supplier. In case the back-ordered products are from a European distributor, we can likely have the order shipped in 5 days. If the products have to come from the USA or England there is more time needed as the declaration customs will likely delay the shipping process.

How will back-orders be paid?
Placing a back-order is free and without commitment, after the back-order is placed we will be in touch as soon as possible. After we are sure you can have all the products you want within the timeframe you want it, you will have to pay for the order. And we will process it with the distributors

Shipping cost are paid beforehand, once the order proceeds you only have to pay for the products as the shipping is already paid.
If the back-order has to be canceled the shipping will be refunded in store credit.

Will my back-order products be shipped later than normal stock products?
Unfortunately it would be costly to ship back-order products separately, but luckily receiving back-order products won’t take very long. So we will try to ship everything at once, in case this brings great difficulties to you as customer we can have a look at a solution.

Further questions?
Feel free to reach out

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